Today I wanted to talk about the Breastplate of Righteousness.
Ephesians 6:14- "Stand... with Righteousness like armor on your chest."
We are called to put on our breastplate of righteousness. If we go back to the analogy of the armor, the breastplate protected most of the vital organs.
It doesn't matter how many arrows the enemy shoots at this breastplate, it will not be penetrated easily. No words of condemnation, no false allegations, and no guilty thoughts will penetrate a believers heart or his mind when we put on this breastplate.
But why then do we often see ourselves and others in the church walking in condemnation? The enemy longs to victimized many to the point that they can no longer pray with confidence. He has convinced us we are not good enough to be used by God. Put simply, we try to put on the armor we have attempted to fabricate, and it is full of holes. We need to not rest in our own righteousness, but the righteousness of Jesus Christ alone. We are to "stand- throw back your shoulders, hold your head up high, and walk tall and confident as all proud and victorious soldiers do!" The victory has already been won.
When we understand that it is God's righteousness we are entrusting to protect us as our gorgious breastplate, you will discover that your level of confidence rises dramatically because an attitude of righteousness imparts both confidence and authority.
So before you head to battle, whether it be Mexico, or Arvada, make sure you have the right breastplate on and go with confidence!!! When you walk through life wearing that breastplate, everything changes for the better!
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