29 Days til Mexico!
Today I wanted to talk about the Helmet of Salvation, a key piece of armor for all of us to have, regardless of where we are or where we are going.
Satan knows your mind is the control center for you life. If he can gain control, or even influence in your mind, then this can begin to have effects elsewhere. To protect us from such attacks, God has given us a helmet of salvation. It is interesting that Paul makes the connection between our salvation and a helmet. Arguably, the helmet is the most important piece of defensive weaponry. We know brain injuries are the worst and the hardest to recover from, so we need to make sure we our protected and place the proper position our salvation needs to truly protect us.
Once the knowledge of our salvation and all that it is, we will know beyond a shadow a doubt, what Jesus' death and resurrection purchased for us. For me, I know that this is easier said than done. Even though at times I have felt this undoubtable protection and confidence in the Lord, I know I also go through periods of vulnerability to the attacks of the devil. I have learned to recognize these attacks on my mind, as they always seem to focus on inducing self-doubt within me, telling me I am not good enough to be a small group leader, or lead an outreach event or a mission trip. Maybe in these times I have let my guard down, or maybe it is not even that, maybe sometimes the attacks of the devil are just so strong, it is like battle ax hitting the helmet of my salvation- it didn't penetrate and do physical damage, but it still left my ears ringing. I know that was the case with last years mission trip and the events that transpired the day before we left! In spite of the blow we suffered, God still showed up, allowed us all to fight, and accomplish great things, all for His glory and for the good of His people!
In our quiet times, we need to faithfully meditate on the Word of God and allow it to renew our minds. Pop any dents out of the old helmet before the next battle begins. God has given us reassurance that all we need is Him, all we need is the gift of salvation, freely given out of love, in spite of us all being undeserving. Let the true nature of our salvation penetrate our hearts and our minds, and we will know that the battle is already won in Jesus Christ, and we don't have nearly as much to worry about as we think we do!
For continued reading, check out an article from last year about a month after the mission trip called WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT THE CROSS?
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