
At Faith Bible Chapel- we exist to share the love of God and be the light of the world. >>OUR PURPOSE

Mission in Transition

God blessed my wife Audrey and I with our first son on Saturday morning (7/26) at 3:38am after about 13 hours in labor! It was an amazing experience that you truly cannot be fully prepared for. Sunday, we were still both exhausted and recovering, but ready to go home. I was running some of our bags out to the car, and passed by a woman who was sitting alone in the small chapel at the hospital. I felt a tugging at my spirit to go in and pray with this woman, but just kept walking- because I had a new baby and wife to take care of- God wouldn't have me veer from my new path as a dad right? I had to get back to the family!
But this nudging was persistent. I ended up going into the chapel, but the lady didn't look up to acknowledge me, so that means I was wrong right? I should just go back upstairs- so I went and got in the elevator and got up to our floor. As soon as the doors to the elevator opened, the Spirit hit me hard again with the fact that this lady needed ME to pray with her. I went back down and just sat next to the lady and asked her if I could pray with her for anything. She knew the Lord and was eager for me to pray with her, as she really did have her plate full of heartaches. She told me she felt like Job, with everything falling down around her. I think she needed the encouragement that God had me give her- and to think, I almost ignored it, thinking my mission had changed with the arrival of my son- but our mission never changes, no matter what transition we are going through! We exist to bring glory to our creator and carry out His will on this earth! This is going to look different for everyone and every situation, but we need to always be seeking God and His will for our lives- everything else will fall in place.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Growing up, my mom always recited Jeremiah 29:11 to me through the good times and the bad. I plan on doing the same with my son, but I also want him to know verse 29:13 as well.

Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

I want him to know God in a personal and intimate way all of his life. I want him to seek after God with his whole heart, as he watches his parents attempt to do the same for our family.  That is God's will for us- to seek Him! That will never change no matter what transition you may face in your life.

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