Written by Linda Nuss on June 14, 2014
As I was reading the Word and spending time with the Lord this morning, I asked Him…what do you have for me this morning? What do you want to say to me? I opened my Bible to Galatians 2 and verse 10 jumped out at me. Paul, Barnabus, and Titus had gone up to Jerusalem and had gone to some of the leaders privately. Paul knew his mission was to the Gentiles and Peter’s was to the Jews. There were some disputes regarding circumcision, but vs. 10 says, “All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.”
As I was reading the Word and spending time with the Lord this morning, I asked Him…what do you have for me this morning? What do you want to say to me? I opened my Bible to Galatians 2 and verse 10 jumped out at me. Paul, Barnabus, and Titus had gone up to Jerusalem and had gone to some of the leaders privately. Paul knew his mission was to the Gentiles and Peter’s was to the Jews. There were some disputes regarding circumcision, but vs. 10 says, “All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.”
Linda flexing her muscles in "Hambre" |
“All they asked was to remember the poor.” That struck me! Because what I saw particularly in the Colonias where we ministered each night, were the poor. It was hard not to contrast the people who have so little with those of us who have so much. The opulence and waste of the rich in America and even ourselves (though we would not maybe call ourselves rich) compared to the lifestyle of so many in the Colonias (neighborhoods) of Mexico cannot help but rip at your heart. That’s why many times children, Moms and Dads who were hungry for Good News would come to the dramas and all would be saved. Last year, when I heard the numbers of decisions for Christ, I was stunned but happy, also a little perplexed. I would say (in my heart) ALL????? But now I understand. Not everyone in a Colonia might be saved, but all or most that came to our event on the corner or in a public square would be saved. They were the ones that God’s Holy Spirit drew. They were hungry for some Good News and wanted more for their lives.
Linda with the kids at a colonia |
Linda making kids laugh acting like a chicken in "El Doctor" |
The dramas
we portrayed were not cheesy little skits, but powerful enactments of the
gospel message. There is a hunger inside
every one of us. We try to fill it with
all sorts of things…food, education, love, sex, alcohol, drugs, more money,
more things, and even other religions.
Nothing seems to satisfy. Then we
have an encounter with God. We hear the
message of the Good News.
- God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our
- But we all have sinned and sin separates us from
- God in His great love for us sent Jesus, His only
Son, to die on the cross, to pay for our sins and provide a way back to
- Jesus died, was buried, and raised to new life so
that we could have eternal life.
- All we have to do is receive the gift of
salvation by confessing with our mouths and believing in our hearts that
we are a sinner, separated from God.
If we believe that Jesus died for our sins and we invite Him into
our hearts by faith to be our Lord and Savior, we will be saved.
Linda praying with a woman in the park. |
That’s why they come… in 102 degree heat. That’s
why we went and proclaimed the gospel—stretched out of our comfort
zone-sweat dripping off of us, getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night (if we were
It was and is the LOVE of GOD
that compelled us and compels us now.
Linda ministering to a boy in a colonia. |
What is so special about the cross? Read the last blog post here.
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